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Welcome to Willows Consulting
The purpose of our company is to provide our clients with the very best opensource web based products and services, that will service their present and future requirements.
We pride ourselves on having an excellent team of highly skilled developers and designers who are always seeking to provide the best value solution to our clients.
[bubble background=”#FFF” color=”#666″ border=”3px solid #ccc” author=””]Over 350 sites for 300+ clients, for 10 years[/bubble]
We know how important it is to team up with the right suppliers and how this affects your success, to this end your journey with us is a delivery service with an aftercare service too. To this end we take make sure you are delivered the best possible solution to fit your budget.
[bubble background=”#FFF” color=”#666″ border=”3px solid #ccc” author=””]Our clients stay with us for their 2nd and 3rd generation sites[/bubble]
While developing websites and applications since 2002 we have created processes and workflows that provide the most efficient route to production.
[bubble background=”#FFF” color=”#666″ border=”3px solid #ccc” author=””]An ecommerce transaction happens every 3 minutes on sites built by us. [/bubble]
Willows Consulting was founded in 2002 by Sean Owens and Aine Williams and in 2006 the limited company was formed.
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