How do I get the payment from the customer into my bank account securely?
To do this you must engage a credit card processing company that will process some or all of the following card types for you.
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Laser, Swift and JCB
Credit card processing systems with which we integrate are: Realex, WorldPay and PayPal.
* Please note:
- WorldPay do not accept Amercian Express cards for Ireland
- Paypal do not accept Laser Cards
- Realex charge per transaction regardless of value
Please note further: Realex is a conduit processor, you still need a merchant account with your bank for processing credit cards. There will be a percentage deducted by the credit card company for the transaction. The advantage of realex is the client never leaves your site to make the payment and realex collect these payments and batch them to the bank once a day.
3D secure adds a level of security for the merchant where they are not held liable for charge backs on fraudulent cards. It is the equivalent of Chip and Pin for the web. Ideal for big ticket high risk items such as jewelry and Electrical goods
Bank of Ireland, AIB and Ulster Bank are the only Irish banks that will setup merchant credit card accounts.