We provide a full sageline50 integration service to your osommerce website. Imagine getting sales from your website into sage line50 10 minutes after they were completed online with zero errors.
All versions of oscommerce are supported.
With our sageline 50 to oscommerce integration you can :
- Update products
- Update prices
- Update customer group pricing ( oscommerce addon required for this, we can add this for you )
- Update stock levels
- Sync of vat rates
- Sync of stock locations ( requires an addon from oscommerce that we can install )
- Import customer accounts ( not their invoice history on sage but he account email address, login and address imported and linked to customer group pricing )
- Export orders to sageline50 from oscommerce
- Allows for b2b and b2c ordering and pricing on your website.
The process runs on a schelduled job and can run as often as your webhosting can handle. If you have a large SKU set then the updates take longer.
We provide a full oscommerce maintenance service and we run sageline50 in-house so we know both systems very well.